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Sunrise over the Wheat Field

About Me

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You may want to know a bit more about me.


I am Canadian by birth and Ukrainian by heritage, the son of parents who came to Canada from Ukraine as children early in the 20th century.  I was born, in 1941, at the family farm which straddled the school districts of Sharpewood and High Plains, just west of Poplarfield in Manitoba’s Interlake Region. My early education began in High Plains, my high school years were spent in Poplarfield and Teulon, and my training as a school teacher and a smattering of university courses took place in Winnipeg.  My career, starting in 1959, included elementary school teaching in rural Manitoba as well as counselling and program administration with the federal government in Winnipeg, followed by a short stint in the manufacturing industry.  In 1977, my wife, children and I moved to the Northwest Territories where I was involved in education-related program administration in Yellowknife, and human resources work in Yellowknife and Inuvik.  In 1996, I wrapped up my career in a position with the Financial Management Board Secretariat of the Government of the Northwest Territories. 


In terms of avocational interests, while in Northwest Territories, our family enjoyed over twenty years of partnership with friends, fondly remembered, in Namushka Lodge, a fly-in fishing lodge just east of Yellowknife.


I acknowledge, with deep respect, the treaty lands which have nourished my humanity over the decades of my life and honour their abiding influence on my sojourn as a Canadian.


In 1997, my wife and I moved back to Manitoba to begin our retirement at a cottage at Grindstone Point, effecting a return to our native Interlake.  We now reside, and have done so since 2004, in Winnipeg’s Transcona area.

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